Consumer Directed Services (CDS) are home healthcare services offered by Medicaid or Medicaid waiver programs where the consumer (Patient) can hire the caregiver and coordinate the services authorized.
Continuous Care Documentation features in Home Care Software
Nurses providing Private Duty Nursing care work in longer shifts providing continuous care for the same patient. They need to collect and document Vitals and Measurements (Vent Settings, Trach Settings, Cough Logs, Seizure Logs, etc.) and administer medications and treatments multiple times during the shift. Providing continuous care in a longer shift creates unique documentation challenges for nurses and Private Duty Home Care agencies. A software platform should accommodate the challenges of Continuous Care Documentation for Private Duty Nursing Home Care Agencies.
Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for Home Care Agencies
A Home Care Agency's management should look at defining KPIs in client acquisition, staff recruiting, deployment, marketing, and financial performance. These KPIs will help agencies measure, monitor, and manage the operations and give them the ability to focus on improving operational efficiency and growth.
Finding the right Home Care agency management software for In-Home Outpatient Therapy
Interestingly, most of the currently available software have limited features to handle or not be able to handle the billing requirements, and as such, in-home outpatient therapy services will pose unique challenges for scheduling, documentation, and billing.
A software platform designed to handle both home health care and outpatient services will provide a unique advantage to agencies.
Improving Clinical Utilization in Home Healthcare
Improving operational efficiency in scheduling, clinical documentation, and quality assurance will impact the bottom line of Home Care Agencies. In this article, we discuss the five steps home care agencies can take to improve the utilization of clinicians' time. Home Care Agencies should look for a software platform that will provide the right tools to enhance clinicians' productivity.
Home Care Services and Right Software Platform for HHAs
Care Coordination Tools for Home Healthcare Agencies
Communication tools for Home Health Care Agencies to Improve Quality of Care
Millions of patients receive home care every year. Providing quality patient care is critical for home care agencies for patient satisfaction and growth while complying with regulatory requirements. The quality and effectiveness of patient care is a collaborative effort from the entire organization. Communication plays a critical role in improving collaboration, quality of care, and compliance. Home Health Care Agencies need to communicate securely, effectively, and efficiently to ensure the highest quality and level of service.
CareVoyant Ranked as High Performer and Leader across multiple Home Healthcare Software Categories on
Electronic Medication Administration Records (eMAR) Software for Private Duty Nursing Home Care Agencies
During the recent times, there has been an increasing demand as well as the adoption of electronic medication administration records (eMAR) Software, especially by caregivers providing Private Duty Nursing. By employing a system such as eMAR (electronic Medication Administration Record) can not only ensure that medication errors don’t occur, but also achieve a whole host of other advantages. In this article, we talk about the functionalities and the importance of Electronic Medication Administration Records (eMAR) Software for Private Duty Nursing Home Care Agencies.
Scheduling Efficiency – Key to Profitability of Home Care Agencies
With CareVoyant Software’s built-in route optimization engine, CV miles, and an effective scheduling dashboard, you no longer have to waste time manually creating daily patient visit schedules. The software can reduce the time spent in operational planning and help you focus on patient and caregiver satisfaction.
A software platform designed to handle both home health care and outpatient services will provide a unique advantage to agencies.
Benefits of using Integrated Electronic Visit Verification for your Home Care Agency
Electronic visit verification was created to reduce fraud and ensure that people receive the documented care they need. EVV was designed to help verify that services billed for home healthcare are for actual visits made. The passing of the Affordable Care Act signed into law in 2010 made provisions for reducing fraud and over-payments, requiring states to stop Medicaid payments to providers when there is credible evidence of fraud.
Benefits of using an Integrated Software Solution for your Home Care Agency
CareVoyant, as an industry pioneer, has strived to bring you the best of both with an integrated home care software solution for agencies providing multiple lines of service. With the power of one database, not only do you reduce your investments, but also eliminate redundant processes while getting unified clinical, administrative, and financial views.
Top 10 Features to Improve Operational Efficiency for Home Healthcare Agencies
Effective Revenue Cycle Management for Home Care Agencies
With falling reimbursement rates, the rollout of PDGM, and increased compliance, Home Care Agencies are under pressure to do more with less. Improving the health of the revenue cycle is a complex process that needs both caregivers and financial administrator to work in synchrony to achieve optimal results. An integrated platform that covers all processes including intake, authorization management, scheduling, billing, and collections, and provides features to manage the revenue cycle requirements of these processes is a must for ensuring optimal reimbursements.
Building your Home Care Agency’s Brand – 6 things you can do
The best is yet to come for Home Care Agencies. With many studies now pointing to a revival and boom phase coming up for Home Care agencies, we bring your tips and techniques to manage your organization’s online presence. Unfortunately, most home care agencies invest little time and effort in building their online presence. It is not as expensive as you think. Here are six things you can do to improve your agency’s brand.
Overtime Pay for Home Care Workers
Even though FLSA overtime rules for home care workers have now been in vogue for a while, most private duty nursing and non-medical agencies have to strike a careful balance between the high quality and continuity of care they provide and minimizing the overtime cost.
With falling reimbursements from third-party payers, and trying to strike a balance between expectations and quality of service for private pay patients, most home care agencies are trying to adapt their business models to limit caregivers to 40 hours a week.
Home Health Care Trends for 2022
Rising demand for home healthcare services, changing business models, the shift of higher acuity care services to the home, changing role of home care software to improve agency operations, and the impact of labor shortage on home care are some of the trends that will define home healthcare industry in 2022
Growing your Home Care Agency in 2022
2020 and 2021 have been challenging years for home care agencies across the United States. The devastating impact of 2020’s COVID-19 lockdown meant that home care agencies faced a problem they had not experienced ever before. On one side, more patients prefer receiving care at home, on the other side, there are staffing challenges of finding the caregivers to help them cope up with the demand.
Selecting Pediatric Private Duty Nursing Software - What Home Care Agencies need to look for
Recognize that the needs of Private Duty Nursing for pediatric care are very specific. While this could be a profitable service line, the requirements such as round-the-clock nursing, ability to connect with children, more complex scheduling, and most importantly, the right nursing talent, make this a very challenging area.