Home Care Software

Top 10 Features to Improve Operational Efficiency for Home Healthcare Agencies

Top 10 Features to Improve Operational Efficiency for Home Healthcare Agencies

To improve operational efficiency. Home Care Agencies must look for a software platform that will meet most of their requirements without manual workarounds. This article shares some of the top 10 features to improve operational efficiency by using an integrated platform.

Home Health Care Trends for 2022

Home Health Care Trends for 2022

Rising demand for home healthcare services, changing business models, the shift of higher acuity care services to the home, changing role of home care software to improve agency operations, and the impact of labor shortage on home care are some of the trends that will define home healthcare industry in 2022

Growing your Home Care Agency in 2022

Growing your Home Care Agency in 2022

2020 and 2021 have been challenging years for home care agencies across the United States. The devastating impact of 2020’s COVID-19 lockdown meant that home care agencies faced a problem they had not experienced ever before. On one side, more patients prefer receiving care at home , on the other side, there are staffing challenges of finding the caregivers to help them cope up with the demand.

Leverage Technology for Effective Management of eMAR, eTAR for Private Duty Nursing Home Care Agencies

Leverage Technology for Effective Management of eMAR, eTAR for Private Duty Nursing Home Care Agencies

Many families and elderly patients are now increasingly considering Hospital-at-home and SNF-at-home models. Private Duty Nursing Home Care agencies are uniquely positioned to take advantage of this trend and grow. Private Duty Nursing Agencies can partner with Hospital Systems or Accountable Care Organizations (ACO) to provide skilled care at home.

Leveraging technology and the right software platform will help Private Duty Nursing Home Care Agencies to implement strategies to effectively manage Electronic Medication and Treatment Administration and ensure patient safety.

Navigating the Challenges of Private Duty Nursing with Technology

Navigating the Challenges of Private Duty Nursing with Technology

Private Duty Home Care agencies can use the right technology and software platform to manage the challenges posed by unique and demanding requirements of providing skilled care at home. Using the right tools will enable home health care agencies to bring operational efficiencies to the organization and take advantage of these new opportunities.

PDGM Notice of Admission and Imperatives for Home Healthcare Agencies

PDGM Notice of Admission and Imperatives for Home Healthcare Agencies

Starting January 1, 2022, Medicare will require Home Health Agencies to submit a one-time Notice of Admission (NOA) instead of Request for anticipated Payment (RAP). Medicare has been phasing out RAP payments for the last two years. The NOA is a one-time submission that establishes the HH POC and covers 30-day payment periods until the patient is discharged.

Software platforms will have to be adjusted to accommodate the new PDGM billing process. The following are some of the requirements.

Benefits of High-Quality Clinical Documentation for Home Health Care Agencies

Comprehensive, consistent, and complete clinical documentation is critical for home health care agencies for the quality of care to the patient and optimum reimbursement. Improving the quality of clinical documentation will significantly enhance the quality of care and patient satisfaction while reducing the risk of compliance issues during surveys. Compliance issues during the survey may lead to reimbursement delays or reductions.

Home Health Care Agencies should implement Clinical Documentation Improvement (CDI) programs to understand that clinical documentation starts at referral and must be managed throughout patient care (Admit through Discharge).

Effective HR and Payroll Management Process for Home Care Agencies

Seamless flow of operational data for payroll processing is key to improving the timeliness and accuracy of the payroll process. This can also reduce the workload for the payroll group. The payroll process starts when the shift is scheduled, not just on payroll day.

This blog highlights some of the challenges that private duty nursing agencies face in processing payroll and discusses potential solutions that integrated software can provide.

Understanding Private Duty Home Care Services and the need for specialized software

As a Home Health Care Software provider, we find ourselves with questions about the nuances of home care services. Some of the questions we get asked are:

  • What is Private Duty Home Care?

  • Are RNs required for Private Duty Home Care?

  • How is it different from Nursing Care?

  • Do you need specialized software to manage Private Duty Home Care Agencies?

Event Round-up: Texas Association for Home Care & Hospice (TAHC&H) 52nd Annual Meeting

CareVoyant participated in the recently concluded TAHC&H 52nd Annual Meeting held at Kalahari Resort & Convention Center between Sep 13-15 at Booth # 12. We met the users of our software, Home Care and Hospice industry leaders, trainers, and thought leaders.

Electronic Medication Administration Records (eMAR) Software for Private Duty Nursing Home Care Agencies

During the recent times, there has been an increasing demand as well as the adoption of electronic medication administration records (eMAR) Software, especially by caregivers providing Private Duty Nursing. By employing a system such as eMAR (electronic Medication Administration Record) can not only ensure that medication errors don’t occur, but also achieve a whole host of other advantages. In this article, we talk about the functionalities and the importance of Electronic Medication Administration Records (eMAR) Software for Private Duty Nursing Home Care Agencies.

Electronic Visit Verification (EVV) Functionality in CareVoyant Software

CareVoyant CV Mobile is a powerful, simple, easy to use, integrated platform to meet disparate EVV requirements for multiple states. CV Mobile will send verified visits to EVV aggregators to improve compliance and reduce claim denials.

Selecting Pediatric Private Duty Nursing Software - What Home Care Agencies need to look for

Recognize that the needs of Private Duty Nursing for pediatric care are very specific. While this could be a profitable service line, the requirements such as round-the-clock nursing, ability to connect with children, more complex scheduling, and most importantly, the right nursing talent, make this a very challenging area.

Finding the right software for In-Home Outpatient Therapy

Interestingly, most of the currently available software have limited features to handle or not be able to handle the billing requirements, and as such, in-home outpatient therapy services will pose unique challenges for scheduling, documentation, and billing.

A software platform designed to handle both home health care and outpatient services will provide a unique advantage to agencies.

Building your Home Care Agency’s Brand – 6 things you can do

The best is yet to come for Home Care Agencies. With many studies now pointing to a revival and boom phase coming up for Home Care agencies, we bring your tips and techniques to manage your organization’s online presence. Unfortunately, most home care agencies invest little time and effort in building their online presence. It is not as expensive as you think. Here are six things you can do to improve your agency’s brand.

Overview of the Home Care Industry – A Ready Reckoner

As the country ages, the Home Care Industry is poised to grow. The US home healthcare market is projected to grow about 7% annually from $103 billion in 2018 to $173 billion by 2026 — outpacing growth in all other care types, including hospital care (+5.3% annually) and physician services (+5.6% annually). The industry has also come into a lot of focus during the COVID-19 crisis as well.

The Future of Private Duty Home Care – Trends for 2020 and Beyond

As a leading software provider for Private Duty Nursing, we monitor the forces and trends that are shaping the Private Duty Home Care Industry. The industry is poised to boom in the post-COVID phase as there is a growing preference and shift from institutional to in-home care as the industry shifts.

Benefits of using Integrated Electronic Visit Verification for your Home Care Agency

Electronic visit verification was created to reduce fraud and ensure that people receive the documented care they need. EVV was designed to help verify that services billed for home healthcare are for actual visits made. The passing of the Affordable Care Act signed into law in 2010 made provisions for reducing fraud and over-payments, requiring states to stop Medicaid payments to providers when there is credible evidence of fraud.

CareVoyant implements COVID-19 and related Diagnosis codes as per CMS and CDC guidelines

CDC has introduced two new diagnosis codes – one for COVID-19 and the second one for Vaping related disorders. CMS has added these diagnosis codes for PDGM as of 04/01/2020.

CareVoyant has incorporated these changes immediately and released an update to all our customers. We made the following changes.

  1. Added the ICD codes to our library

  2. Changed PDGM calculator to incorporate the new diagnosis codes.

Wrap-up – Illinois HomeCare & Hospice Council’s Annual Conference 2020

The Illinois HomeCare & Hospice Council hosted its 2020 Annual Conference, “Focus on the Future”, between March 3-4 in Lombard, IL. The conference convened hundreds of leaders & experts in Home Healthcare, registered nurses, and medical practitioners to discuss the current state of home care, share the latest information in the field of home care, enable market participants to network and serve the patients better through calibration.